
Last Online : 17 Oct 2011 | Total Visitor : 653

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Yash kiran

Hi people... my name is yash kiran... i stay near airport rd... dont have place also... my stats are 24 5.9ht 68kgs 30w 6" cut and cln shv... am looking out for a similar person so that our frequency matches... have my pic out here ... if intrested plz message me or ping me at yashkiran22@yahoo.co.in ... am online in the morning most of the time... have other pix also... can show once i see urs.. dont ping me or message for friendship as i'm not here for that ... moreover i have **** on my mind most of the time. what am i looking for? - descent guy with good communication and gud looks. - within 23-30 age limit. - similar stats as mine. - should have a place. - most imp should have a pic. what am i not looking for? - guys with mush. - guys for only friendship. - guys with tummy.

Age : 24 , Male

Interested in Male & Female


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