Width : 150 pixels
Height : 50 pixels

Creative Specifications
Please select the type of technology you would like to use and
accordingly follow the specifications
The total file size with images cannot exceed 10 kb.
Client side image maps in the creative are acceptable
and must be hosted / provided by the client itself
All scripts in the HTML code must be active at the time
of ad submission for validating / testing the ad HTML
Image Ad |
GIF or JPG format accepted.
File size cannot exceed 10 kb.
Flash |
File size cannot exceed 10 kb.
Please insert richmedia_click() instead of the click thru
in the flash creative , for the tracking of click thru's
through Adcept.
Please submit an image (JPG or GIF) to be served in case
the user does not have flash installed. The kb size for
the static image should be the same as the kb restriction
for a normal image ad of the same size and shape.
Note: Please note that
I-frames are being used all our web sites for served banners ,
hence there is a restriction on all creatives which exceed the
specified dimension limit. Also, the resultant sites should be
scripted to open in a new window.
Horizontal banner specifications
Width : 468 pixels
Height : 60 pixels

Creative Specifications
Please select the type of technology you would like to use and
accordingly follow the specifications
HTML code should not exceed 3kb.
The total file size with images cannot exceed 13 kb.
Client side image maps in the creative are acceptable
and must be hosted / provided by the client itself
All scripts in the HTML code must be active at the time
of ad submission for validating / testing the ad HTML
Image Ad |
GIF or JPG format accepted.
File size cannot exceed 13 kb.
Flash |
File size cannot exceed 13 kb.
Please insert richmedia_click() instead of the
click thru in the flash creative , for the tracking of
click thru's through Adcept.
Please submit an image (JPG or GIF) to be served in case
the user does not have flash installed. The kb size for
the static image should be the same as the kb restriction
for a normal image ad of the same size and shape.
Note: Please note that I-frames are being used all our
web sites for served banners , hence there is a restriction on
all creatives which exceed the specified dimension limit. Also,
the resultant sites should be scripted to open in a new window.
Tower banner
Width : 120
Height : 240

Creative Specifications
Please select the type of technology you would like to use and
accordingly follow the specifications.
HTML code should not exceed 3kb.
The total file size with images cannot exceed 13 kb.
Client side image maps in the creative are acceptable
and must be hosted / provided by the client itself
All scripts in the HTML code must be active at the time
of ad submission for validating / testing the ad HTML
Image Ad |
GIF or JPG format accepted.
File size cannot exceed 13 kb.
Flash |
File size cannot exceed 13 kb.
Please insert richmedia_click() instead of the
click thru in the flash creative , for the tracking of
click thru's through Adcept.
Please submit an image (JPG or GIF) to be served in case
the user does not have flash installed. The kb size for
the static image should be the same as the kb restriction
for a normal image ad of the same size and shape.
note that I-frames are being used all our web sites for served
banners , hence there is a restriction on all creatives which
exceed the specified dimension limit. Also, the resultant sites
should be scripted to open in a new window.
Skyscraper specifications
Width : 120 pixels
Height : 600 pixels

Creative Specifications
Please select the type of technology you would like to use and
accordingly follow the specifications.
HTML code should not exceed 3kb.
The total file size with images cannot exceed 15 kb.
Client side image maps in the creative are acceptable
and must be hosted / provided by the client itself
All scripts in the HTML code must be active at the time
of ad submission for validating / testing the ad HTML
Image Ad |
GIF or JPG format accepted.
File size cannot exceed 15 kb.
Flash Ad |
File size cannot exceed 15 kb.
Please insert richmedia_click() instead of the
click thru in the flash creative , for the tracking of
click thru's through Adcept.
Please submit an image (JPG or GIF) to be served in case
the user does not have flash installed. The kb size for
the static image should be the same as the kb restriction
for a normal image ad of the same size and shape.
Please note that I-frames are being used on all our web sites
for served banner positions , hence there is a restriction on
all creatives which exceed the specified dimension limit. Thus
for all html banners the forms, buttons etc. should be scripted
to open in a new window.
Island banner
Width : 180
Height : 200

Please select the type of technology you would like to use and
accordingly follow the specifications.
code should not exceed 3kb.
total file size with images cannot exceed 13 kb.
Client side image maps in the creative are acceptable
and must be hosted / provided by the client itself
scripts in the HTML code must be active at the time of
ad submission for validating / testing the ad HTML code.
Image Ad |
or JPG format accepted.
File size cannot exceed 13 kb.
Flash Ad |
File size cannot exceed 13 kb.
Please insert richmedia_click() instead of the
click thru in the flash creative , for the tracking of
click thru's through Adcept.
Please submit an image (JPG or GIF) to be served in case
the user does not have flash installed. The kb size for
the static image should be the same as the kb restriction
for a normal image ad of the same size and shape.
1] For all island banners the caption " Advertisment " has to be
inserted at the top of the banner as this ad is positioned in
the center of the page , it should not mislead the surfer.
2] Please
note that I-frames are being used on all our web sites for
served banner positions , hence there is a restriction on all
creatives which exceed the specified dimension limit. Thus for
all html banners the forms, buttons etc. should be scripted to
open in a new window.
banner specifications
Width : 300
Height : 250

Creative Specifications
Please select the type of technology you would like to use and
accordingly follow the specifications.
- HTML code should not exceed 3kb.
- The total file size with images cannot exceed 15 kb.
- Client side image maps in the creative are acceptable
and must be hosted / provided by the client itself
- All scripts in the HTML code must be active at the
time of ad submission for validating / testing the ad HTML
Image Ad |
- GIF or JPG format accepted.
- File size cannot exceed 15 kb.
Flash Ad |
- File size cannot exceed 15 kb.
- Please insert richmedia_click() instead of the
click thru in the flash creative , for the tracking of
click thru's through Adcept.
- Please submit an image (JPG or GIF) to be served in
case the user does not have flash installed. The kb size
for the static image should be the same as the kb
restriction for a normal image ad of the same size and
Please note that I-frames are being used on all our web sites
for served banner positions , hence there is a restriction on
all creatives which exceed the specified dimension limit. Thus
for all html banners the forms, buttons etc. should be scripted
to open in a new window.
top |