All postop patients should be very careful not to let fears and worries
and embarrassments interfere with proper aftercare. If you are having any
medical problems and are in doubt about your condition, go see a doctor! Don't
let a minor infection or bleeding or pain stop you from doing your scheduled
dilations! If there is any problem at all, seek local medical help and also
get back in contact with your primary surgeon. You must not let ANYTHING
interfere with your dilations, or else you risk the loss of your neovagina.
After a couple of months have passed, healing will begin to be complete
and you can relax a bit. The frequency of scheduled dilations will ease a bit,
and you will begin to feel your new form of sexual arousals. At this point you
are ready to fully begin your new sex life as a woman.
Some Practical Matters:
Dilations require lubrication, and many postop gals use the water-soluble
lubes such as K-Y for this purpose. However, if you need to lube "on the run"
in rest room or similar situation, K-Y is rather messy because you need to
wash with water to clean it off. Mineral oil is an inexpensive alternative
lubricant for dilation that works well, and it cleans up without necessarily
requiring washing it off. It can be almost completely removed with paper
towels without water, and really isn't very "oily" after all. The only problem
with mineral oil is when travelling you have to pack your bottle of it inside
a zip-lock bag lest it sneak out into your luggage.
Lubrication is also usually required during sex play and intercourse using
your new vagina. Here too there is a good alternative to the ubiquitous K-Y.
Astroglide is a much better lube. It
takes less of it, and it feels much more "slimy" like natural mucous
secretions do. It lasts well and is water soluble too. The only problem with
it is that the Astroglide bottles have a little pop-up nozzle that it very
sharp at the end - so do be careful when applying it in the heat of passion to
yourself and especially to your lover!
The postop woman may need to douche occasionally, especially after
intercourse, in order to keep her neovagina clean and odor-free. There are
many over-the-counter preprepared douches that work fine for this. They come
in various scents and concentrations. Lynn prefers the "extra cleansing
vinegar and water" mixtures, but all the mixtures work fine and will leave you
feeling clean and fresh inside. The easiest way to use the douche is to stand
in a bathtub or shower and relax and carefully insert it vertically in line
with your vagina. Once it is in all the way (the tips are about 4" long),
squeeze the bottle empty and let the fluid simply run down your legs. Wipe off
with a wet washcloth, and you're done.
Most of these prepared douches, such as the Massengill
brand, have a tip that tapers down to a fairly fine end, almost to a point.
These tapered tips can be a bit painful to insert, especially during the first
months after SRS. Since the shafts get larger as you insert further, you can
sometime feel the rather sharp flutes along the shaft (slot where the fluid
will be ejected from the bottle). Therefore, you'll need to use quite a bit of
lube all along those shafts in order to insert those tips, and the sensation
may still be unpleasant.
However, there is one brand of douche, "Summers
Eve" which uses a wider, hemispherical tip the size of a small finger, and
the shaft behind the tip is smaller in diameter than the tip. Summers Eve
douches insert very easily and painlessly with only a small amount of lube on
the tip.
Initially, when newly postop, the girl may have difficulty with her urine
unpredictably "spraying" all over the place when she sits to pee. However, as
her urethral opening heals, she will gradually be able to direct her urine
into a more predictable stream. This may take some learning on exactly how to
sit and how to position the urethral opening when peeing - learning some
things that all GG's had to do when they were little girls.
Many newly postop gals at some point suddenly become overly concerned
about whether their new genitalia are going to look perfectly normal and
whether they are "deep enough" for intercourse. These concerns can be very
disabling and prevent the woman from relaxing, having fun, learning her body
well, and then going out and dating and becoming open to sexual activities
with a partner. This can become a kind of panic as the possibility of sexual
intercourse as a woman begins to present itself. Newly postop women need to
know that as long as they have at least 4" of depth, they will be able to have
fun sex with most average-sized men. More than 4" is defintely better, but 4"
is just enough. Many postops have about that much depth and do just fine in
relationships with men. Also, most men find female genitalia a bit scary and
just don't look all that closely. If you are a fun sexual partner and your
genitalia are sexually functional, then you should have no concerns about
"looking perfect".
It also turns out that most men find postop women quite wonderful feeling
during intercourse, because postops are usually "tighter" than other girls
those men have made love to. Postop women can also "snatch" their lovers'
penises and apply pressure by tightening their abdominal muscles, just as GG's
do, and thus make themselves even tighter. However, you must be sure to
regularly dilate to at least 35mm in width (1-3/8 inch) in order to take in an
average-sized male, and 38mm is even better (1-1/2 inch). Remember, your
vagina is not as elastic in diameter as a GG's vagina. It will stretch out
only to the maximum size you've dilated to, and will then go no further. If
you are in doubt about someone's size, be sure to carefully "feel the width"
of your date before indicating a desire for intercourse. That way you can see
if he's likely fit into you. If he's definitely too wide, you can decide that
you are "too tired" that night. Then find someone else to date.
Sexual Arousal, Lovemaking
and Orgasm in Postoperative Transsexual Women
Many myths surround the effects of SRS on libido, sexuality and orgasm.
Many preop TS women are understandably concerned about whether they will be
able to fully enjoy and eagerly participate in lovemaking after SRS. Of
special interests and concern is whether postop TS women can fully experience
sexual arousal and orgasm. The ability to easily become aroused, to desire
intimate and sensual contact, and to achieve sexual release through orgasm is
a precious gift to bring into love relationships, especially when combined
with a desire to give full and complete pleasure to one's love partner too. A
loss of these capabilities could ruin the woman's chances of experiencing her
full humanity after transition, especially for finding and enjoying a
passionate, deeply-bonded love relationship. However, as we'll see, SRS can
provide those for whom it is right the chance to fully experience the joys of
sex and lovemaking - and thus to finally enjoy a full human life.
Myths vs Reality, and the decision to undergo SRS
Many people simply assume that the loss of the external male genitalia
will result in a complete loss of sexuality. This very naive myth
unnecessarily frightens many preop women, and it also furthers prejudice
against postop TS women, who are often thought of by the general public as
having "desexed themselves".
Certainly a typical male would suffer a catastrophic impact on body image
and libido from the loss of his external genitalia. However, it has long been
known that with counseling and practice, even males who have lost their
genitalia to cancer can recover the
capability for arousal and orgasm.
Furthermore, intensely TS women are not "regular guys". They do not suffer
a negative impact on body image as a result of SRS, but instead find a greatly
enhanced body image. The experiences of countless Hijra girls in India
demonstrates that even primitive forms of SRS do not desex transsexual girls
and in fact helps many of them. SRS has the opposite effect on intensely TS
women as would the emasculation of a typical male. SRS usually releases and
enhances the libidos of TS women, enabling them to frequently and fully
"turn-on" and enjoy their physical sexuality and lovemaking, including
achievement of orgasm during intercourse with a partner.
The myths and misunderstandings about the effects of SRS cause many preop
TS women to remain in a state of indecision about having surgery. Although
feeling an intense need to undergo SRS to achieve physical conformity with
their gender identity, some preops may also feel extreme anxiety about whether
or not they will still experience sexual arousal and orgasm after SRS.
This anxiety is enhanced by stories heard from many TS transition
failures, including the cases of intense cross-dressers, drag queens and
crossdressers who mistakenly underwent SRS for various sexual reasons and then
found that their male libidos were greatly reduced and their male orgasmic
capability eliminated. See the
"WARNING section" in Lynn's TS information pages, for clarification of
what can happen when male-gendered crossdressers or drag queens become
misguided and have SRS. There have been so many of these misguided cases that
the urban myths about SRS have escalated over the years, and there is now a
lot of confusion about what to expect after SRS.
On the other hand, many other transsexual girls learn to visualize from
their preop sexual experiences (as Lynn did) that they'll probably still
"turn-on" sexually and be orgasmic as women after SRS: Many preop women hide
their genitals by inserting the testicles up into the abdomen, and then
tightly tucking the male organ back through the crotch (with tight underwear
or taping). In this configuration, the penis cannot usually get enough blood
supply for full external penile erection. Even though the external part of the
penis cannot erect when tucked tightly, the girl nevetheless experiences the
familiar female "glow" and warmth throughout her interior genital region when
she is aroused, for example, by a man's warm attentions. In addition, the
corpora cavernosa shafts inside her body can become erect once the girl is
sexually aroused, and that arousal feels really wonderful - even though the
external part of the penis is flaccid. Sexual stimulation by rubbing and
caressing the genital area and the breasts can then lead to orgasm for a girl
who is sufficiently aroused.
From experiences like this, preop women can visualize that after
undergoing SRS the remaining internal stumps of her corpora will still engorge
and become erect, and that she can experience similar feelings of sexual
arousal when she is postop. In addition, the postop woman can now also
experience wonderful sensations from caressing her clitoris, which, in
contrast to the previously hidden penis, can now be openly played with without
her experiencing angst about her body-image.
There are thus many dimensions to postop women's sexuality, and the actual
postop effects of SRS on arousal and orgasm vary greatly from case to case.
Those who are male-gendered, and who have male sexual urges focused in the
external genitalia, are likely to experience great loss over time. Those who
are "in between somewhere" will likely experience a mixture of losses and
gains. Those who are female gendered and who have strong female sexual urges
are likely to benefit greatly, as a whole new life of sensuality, sexuality
and lovemaking opens up to them. All of this is of course contingent upon the
person having a normal-level of libido, having no "hang-ups" about being
sensual and sexual, and also upon a successful surgical result.
- Thus the decision for SRS must be taken with great internal soul searching
and introspection, and with complete honesty with oneself about one's own
gender identity, body image and likely psychic reactions to the body changes
of SRS. This is especially true if sexual arousal and orgasm are very
important in one's life. However, for those for whom SRS is the right thing to
do, that surgery can release them fully from the physical gender trap they had
been living in, and free them to experience their full humanity in sexual and
lovemaking relationships.
- Initial sexual response of postoperative TS women: Entering a second
- There is a wide range of libidos in postop women, just as in natal women.
Some women are very highly sexed, the majority are moderately sexed, and some
are asexual and have little libido at all. This section is relevant for those
postop women who have healthy libidos, who experience sexual arousals and who
desire ongoing sexual fulfillment and orgasms.
- Most postop women having healthy libidos begin to experience their first
postop arousals within a month or two after surgery. After a initial period of
low sensations and even numbness, they then experience "turning on" due to
engorgement of remaining internal erectile tissue (corpora and spongiosum)
that was left during SRS. The arousals produce a feeling of "erection", but
one that is different than for guys, since it is inside their bodies.
- For some postop women, it may take much longer for these arousals to
begin, especially if they were inactive sexually and/or asexual prior to SRS
due to their gender angst. However, even these postop women will eventually
begin to experience genital arousals and the onset of sexual desires if they
have active libidos.
Consider also these words from
the webpage Zen and the Art of
Post-Operative Maintenance: "Another factor in sexual function is
your endocrine system...After surgery, some women find that their adrenal glands
(the other source of testosterone) do not produce enough to provide adequate
libido or orgasm. You may require a small amount of supplemental testosterone to
regain functioning. The amount required is typically far below the amount
that will cause any other unwanted side effects, such as hair growth. Not
everyone requires this, but keep in mind that some do."
Many natal women who are having
difficulty in feeling turned-on and in achieving orgasms (especially
post-menopausal women) are now taking Estratest tablets,
which contain a combination of estrogen and small amounts of testosterone.
Although Estratest is a somewhat controversial treatment, many natal women began
taking it after it was featured in a story on
Oprah Winfrey's hugely popular television show in the U.S. As a result of
this news, and of advice like that on the Zen page, some post-op women who were
experiencing difficulty in arousals and orgasms began using Estratest too, and
some report that the therapy helps them. These tablets contain either 1.25 mg or
0.625 mg of estrogens (as in Premarin tablets), but also include a small amount
of testosterone in each pill (for more information, see this link). There
may be some kind of threshold effect involved here, whereby some women need a
small amount of testosterone to maintain orgasmic capability. On the other hand,
many other postop (and post-menopausal) women enjoy strong orgasms even in the
complete absence of testosterone.
In any event, once a postop woman
begins experiencing arousals, the nerves in the clitoris and vulvar surfaces
become highly sensitized, and sensual and sexy feeling permeate her body. Then,
just as during pubertal sexual awakening, she will automatically feel urges to
play with her body and to masturbate. The arousals will gradually intensify as
her genital area fully heals from the SRS. Masturbation and sexual activity can
likely play a role in helping neural regeneration and sensitivity during this
There are many ways to masturbate, but one favorite way for girls to do it is
to "rub on a pillow". The girl does this by lying face down on her bed, with a
firm pillow between her legs. This way she can rub her vulva and clitoris on the
pillow while squeezing it, putting pressure on her clit and also being able to
thrust and thrash around. At the same time she can play with her breasts and
body with her hands. Alternatively, she can rub her clitoris with the fingers of
one hand while squeezing her legs and thrashing around to stimulate her body.
And there are many other ways to stimulate arousals and produce orgasms,
including using vibrators and other women's
sex toys. Girls discover these ways just as automatically as boys discover
"jerking off", even though girls have been more secretive about it our society
in the past.
While masturbating, the pubertal girl will suddenly begin to experience her
first orgasms, and she is then on her way to developing her full sexuality as a
woman. In just the same way, the postop woman needs to explore her new sexual
anatomy and masturbate, and learn her new sexual responses and experience her
first orgasms as a woman - learning what most girls do in their teens during
This ongoing pubertal aspect of immediate postop life can be very thrilling
and exciting, but also very confusing and scary for the woman, much in the same
way that the onset of sexual maturity is for any teenager.
For some insights into this process, I highly recommend that you read the
very candid webpage by entitled "M -> F Transexual
Post-Op Orgasms - A Personal Perspective", by Monica Stewart. Monica's site
stresses the need to gain experience with your new sexual responses prior to
having intercourse. It is also important to try to get over hang-ups about
what's "OK" and what's "naughty". Then too, many woman enjoy experiencing
playful anal stimulation, including using sex toys to overcome inhibitions and
enhance arousals. Most women also learn to use fantasies to trigger and enhance
arousals and orgasms. Those fantasies can be used during masturbation, and then
later used to help heighten one's experiences during intercourse with a lover.
Thus we see that transition and SRS are just the very beginning: They enable
the girl enter her new puberty. What she will make of herself as a woman is yet
to be determined!
- Some advice to postop women about finding the right lover and losing
your virginity
- This section is aimed at postop women who have gained some experience with
their new bodies and new sexual responses, and for whom "losing your
virginity" is now a "goal". This can be a good thing to get behind you,
because you'll be much more comfortable in the knowledge that you can really
"do it", and it'll be easier the next time when it might really count.
- By doing this you can get over your fears of whether you will pass or
"look OK" in the sack, and whether your body or scars or whatever will lead to
comments or difficulties. It turns out that most guys won't notice a thing
even in very problematic cases as long you are sexually functional. Most guys
just don't look very close. And there is such a wide range of vulvar
appearances among natal women that most postop women look OK anyways. So
you'll soon be able to relax about all that, and feel comfortable "cutting
loose" and enjoying lovemaking without being self-conscious.
- However, it is important to avoid doing it with just "any guy", especially
someone whose persona or approach doesn't turn you on, or who doesn't try to
make you feel good. Instead try hard to find someone you have something in
common with, and with whom you can test out if there is any "chemistry" in
advance, before jumping into the sack. And of course, you really should try to
figure out if the guy is a nice person who won't get violent with you if he
somehow "finds out".
- One mistake many girls make is to hope for too much and too quickly, and
then becoming greatly disappointed with how sex feels. By expecting sex with
"just any guy" to be fun, they can become extremely disappointed. They may
mistakingly think that guys know how to turn them on, instead of needing to
get aroused themselves. They may simply discover that they have little or no
genital sensation when they are not turned on, even with the man penetrating
them and ejaculating into them. This can erroneously lead them to believe that
they "lack sensation", leading to all sorts of fears and worries.
- However, not "feeling much" when having sex with a man while you are not
turned on is pretty much the same for ALL women, TS or not! It is a
common experience nowadays among young teenage girls who cave in under
pressure to "have sex with someone". It's not even a lot different from the
situation a guy who isn't turned on faces while being pressured to have sex by
a girl. Touching, rubbing and attempting intercourse simply do not feel good
and do not produce results, unless you are turned on! That's why "being in
love" with someone really does mean something folks!
- Only if your libido kicks-in and you get a feeling of "erection" or warm
arousal, will all the external sensitive tissue begin to give really good
sensation and will sex be fun and potentially lead to orgasm. Also, just as
for any GG, postop women should not expect much sensation from inside the
vagina. Most of the sensation when you are turned on will be from the external
clitoral area and the outer vulva (for the TS woman there will also be strong
sensations from the erect corpora and the prostate inside her).
- So, the problem is how to find a guy whose presence and voice and warm
touch makes you feel "melty", and who turns you on and makes you feel really
comfortable and sensual and excited. You'll know it when it happens. Then
definitely do jump into the sack and let your inhibitions go!
- Many of these same issues arise for postop gals who seek women as love
partners. They may feel even stronger concerns about whether their bodies and
genitals look OK, and whether they will really be accepted as women. On the
other hand, they may feel a lot less physical fear of their partners than do
gals going out with men. Beyond this, the situations are similar: For
lovemaking to work, you and your partner must both be aroused and be
comfortable with each other, and you must find sweet and compatible ways to
share and enjoy lovemaking together.
- Even if you find a good loving partner who turns you on and who is a good
lover, you may still need some advance practice in order to easily reach
orgasm. Some of this depends upon the sexual positions you both like best, and
upon how you have previously been masturbating. You may need to modify your
private masturbation habits, and migrate to positions and stimulations more
similar to those you experience during intercourse with your partner. Also, be
sure to TELL your partner what you like. If he or she enjoys being with you
and wants to make you happy, they will try to help you feel good. But they
can't do that if they don't know what you like.
- Thinking about intercourse positions
- Some intercourse positions make it easier for a woman to reach orgasm than
others. Most guys will let YOU tell them or guide them towards what you like
(i.e., what position sequence you like to use). However, if you don't tell
them what you like, you may end up flat on your back in the "missionary
position" and get nothing out of it even IF you are turned on!
- Remember, you are no different from GG women in that most of your sexual
sensations will come from your clitoral area and outer-areas of the vulva, and
you won't feel much sensation from down inside your vagina unless you are
highly aroused. Therefore, just like most other women, simple penile
penetration alone is not going to do much for you (contrary to most guys'
misconceptions about female sexual response). Thus you don't want to leave it
up to your man to just do it his way. It's very important to have some ideas
of positions and lovemaking moves that will make you feel really good too.
- For many women it may be easiest to control your erotic sensations during
penetrative intercourse if you are "kneeling on top". Thus the "woman on top"
position (see
photo of Jenny Hildouaki below) is considered by some women to be the
easiest way to reach orgasm through intercourse alone, even without extra
manual clitoral stimulation.
- Kneeling on top of her partner, the woman can control the speed, rhythm
and angle of penetration in a way that arouses her most. She can move her
pelvis against her partner's so that her clitoris rubs against his pubic bone
(and pressure can be applied to her aroused corpora stumps, inside her and
just behind the clitoris), which is an effective way to trigger an orgasm in
many cases. At the same time, either the woman or her man can play with her
breasts, adding to the erotic sensations she feels. If kneeling all the way
down doesn't quite work, the woman can raise her torso slightly so that either
she or her man can play with her clitoris by hand even while he is still
inside her. In order to develop some insight into these possibilities, watch how "Leticia" (Halle Berry)
reaches for her orgasm in the final lovemaking session of her academy
award-winning performance in the movie "Monster's Ball".
- Instead of trying to "both come at once", as if that were some sort of
ideal goal, it is usually best for the woman to come first. That way she can
be sure to come even if it takes some time. Playfully and lovingly swapping
back and forth between penetration and then manual or oral stimulation of the
girl's clitoris and vulva can help her get really hot and reach orgasm.
Whatever works, works. Then, once the woman has had her orgasm, she can flip
over and wrap her legs firmly around her man's back, and let him enjoy
mounting her from above and thrusting hard into her while he approaches his
orgasm and ejaculation.
- Note: If the man has difficulty "staying up" long enough for the woman to
reach orgasm, the solution is simple: Viagra! With Viagra almost any man can get
good firm erections, and many healthy men can easily "stay up" for an hour or
more by using it. Women should not hesitate to suggest Viagra to their men,
because it can be a wonderful lovemaking enhancer. Since Viagra helps their
men stay excited longer and takes pressure off their men, it can help women
reach orgasms who otherwise can't reach orgasm soon enough - by giving them
plenty of time to reach a climax.
- These same concerns arise if your partner is a woman. There is a need to
explore for positions and methods that work, and for signaling about things
such as shifting positions, who should come first this time, etc. The shared
experiences of developing really satisfying lovemaking skills together is an
important part of falling deeply in love and fully emotionally bonding with
your partner.
- Some differences between earlier male vs later female genital
experiences, arousals and orgasms
- The results of SRS are made immediately obvious to the postop woman by one
important effect: She now has to "sit down to pee". Peeing isn't as easy as
before, and every time you pee you are reminded that you are now a girl,
reminded in the same way that all the other girls are.
- On the other hand, there is a really great advantage to having female
genitals that soon becomes obvious too: Your sexual arousals are no longer
"visible to others". Just as for any other woman, the postop woman does not
have to constantly suppress her arousals like men do. She can let herself get
aroused any time she wants to, and can stay aroused for long periods of time
without others "seeing anything", just as many other women do (this is another
reason so many women smile a lot!).
- It's great to be able to engage in fantasies and visualizations and get
aroused at any time you want to. This freedom can help a woman create and
firmly establish a healthy libido. She can hook-up her brain with her genitals
without much "censorship" going on. Even though her libido is not as heavily
stimulated by the large doses of testosterone that men have, neither does she
have to tame and control her libido like men do theirs. Therefore, on balance,
a woman can generally feel "sexy" much more of the time than a man can.
- Lynn speculates that a lot of men have problems with getting erections
simply because they have to constantly avoid having erections. In other words,
they get much more practice in avoiding erections than they do in getting
them! Women do not need to "censor" their arousals in that way. If they have
no religious or other types of hang-ups about sex and lovemaking, they can
easily practice and enjoy getting aroused as much as they like, and can
develop very healthy libidos as a result. This advantage can help the postop
woman get into her sexuality fairly quickly and help her learn a lot in just
the first year or two postop.
- Once she begins experiencing arousals and engaging in sexual activities,
one major thing becomes immediately obvious. Orgasm feels really different as
a woman. It may not be quite as easy to achieve and may take longer to
achieve, but it can be a much more powerful sensation than any she ever
experienced before as a boy.
- Following SRS, the perfunctory feeling of male ejaculation during orgasm
is gone forever. Instead, you can build up your sexual arousal to a much
higher level without ejaculation bringing things to a halt. It may take more
time to reach it, but you can now experience a more powerful orgasm - with the
old male ejaculation feeling now replaced by an intense neural discharge and
spasm throughout the entire genital area during orgasm. It feels kind of like
you are being gently stimulated with electricity inside and throughout your
entire genital region. The experience can vary a lot from orgasm to orgasm in
the way in which the "neural halo and spasmodic colors" of the orgasm develop,
spread, and feel. It seems almost as if most men so easily and quickly reach
ejaculation that they never manage to get "high enough" sexually to trigger
this more powerful form of orgasm.
- In addition, there are real differences in "body feelings" during
lovemaking between the male and female experience (although many of these
feelings will be "female" in form for preop TS women too). Most males are
usually stimulated visually by their partner's body-appearance. Once aroused,
they usually feel a growing "tightness inside" and a desire to "grab and hold
and thrust and penetrate". This desire comes on suddenly, and quickly becomes
quite overpowering, with most of the sexual sensations coming only from within
the penis itself. However, when the release of orgasm occurs, it is usually
much more perfunctory than for a woman, being accompanied by a few spurts of
semen and a few grunts and that's it. The ejaculation is then followed by
quite a sudden letdown and loss of any interest in sexual activity.
- The sexual experience for the postop woman is much more "internal" within
and throughout her whole body than for a male. The arousal may start in her
genitals, but then can spread all through her lower body, especially inside
the muscles, and her skin all over her body becomes more sensitized to
caressing and touching. Instead of sexual arousal being just in the genitals
as in a male, the estrogen seems to also enable a powerful "heat" to fill the
woman's whole body once she is aroused - and especially once she is being
penetrated. Having this heat come over her in the absence of a partner, and
without any satisfaction, can make her feel like "climbing the walls" or
"thrashing around in her bed".
- Since her whole body becomes much more sensitive to touch as she get fully
aroused, she is not stimulated so much by her partner's appearance as by the
way he (or she) touches her and manipulates her body and the way his (or her)
voice sounds. She doesn't feel the hard focused drive to quickly achieve
orgasm as do males, but instead feels a desire to let go and thrash around and
be "handled" and gradually heighten her erotic feelings. It isn't what she is
seeing that counts as much as what she is feeling and hearing and how her body
is being manipulated by her partner, as she yields to the wonders of sexual
heat and lovemaking. And usually she'll like to take some time to do this and
enjoy this, instead of just "rushing for ejaculation" like most guys do.
- Finally, she will get up on a "plateau" and realize that an orgasm is
going to come. This is a truly wonderful feeling. At some point, the orgasm
starts and spreads throughout her genital area, with the genital nerves
becoming tremendously sensitized as it spreads. The sensation of the orgasm
will vary a lot from orgasm to orgasm (more variably than in the male).
Sometimes it will be weak, but sometimes it can be amazingly intense, and the
feeling varies a lot in form and "color" from orgasm to orgasm.
- Just like natal women, trans women often experience a strong urge to
"vocalize" just before and during orgasm - moaning, squealing, screaming and
making other loud noises while they come. The sound and internal body
sensation of these vocalizations can greatly heighten the intensity of the
orgasmic experience for many women. Postop women shouldn't be afraid to let
out loud moans or screams when they come. It is perfectly natural, and can
help transform ordinary orgasms into ecstatic ones. In contrast, very few men
vocalize when they ejaculate, other than making a few grunts. Perhaps the
difference is hormonal, with testosterone blocking these emotional
vocalizations, just as it blocks emotions such as "crying" in males.
- After climax the trans woman feels a sudden relaxing and calming effect
that is somewhat similar to what it is like for boys. But unlike when she was
a boy, she may often feel aroused and sexy again rather soon after having sex,
often getting firm internal erections again soon after her orgasms. Even
though it may be difficult for her to achieve orgasm again until some time has
passed (a few hours to a day or so), she may feel a desire for sex again right
away anyways. These re-arousals are a really wonderful feeling, and can enable
sweet sessions of touching and snuggling with a loving partner after
- Measuring and documenting postop orgasmic response in TS
- As part of an effort to better measure and document postop women's sexual
capabilities, Lynn participated in first scientific physiologic study of
orgasm in postop TS women, in June 1999. This research was conducted by Rom
Birnbaum, as part of her Ph.D. studies at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human
Sexuality in San Francisco, CA. Space was provided space for Rom's
equipment and for conducting the research studies by Club Eros, a gay men's
club in San Francisco. Although seemingly a strange place to conduct research
studies on women, this "sex-friendly" site in the Castro Area was a good place
for accommodating a wide range of research subjects and control subjects,
during daytime "off-hours" at the club.
- Research subjects were instrumented with electronic sensors (using
measurement techniques evolved from the pioneering work of Masters
and Johnson in their early studies of orgasm), and then engaged in
masturbation in a comfortable, private environment in an effort to achieve
orgasm. A number of the postop TS women, including Lynn, achieved orgasm as
measured directly by Rom's instrumentation. Lynn's case was particularly
important, since she demonstrated that the capacity for very intense orgasms
can endure for many decades after SRS (Lynn was 31 years postop at the time of
this research). Dr. Birnbaum's work demonstrated scientifically for the first
time what many postop women and their lovers have known all along, namely that
strong orgasms can be fully enjoyed by many TS women. Rom published her Ph.D.
thesis results in 2000 (see following abstract).
Abstract: First physiologic study of orgasm in
postoperative male-to-female transsexuals.
Birnbaum, R.
Ph.D. dissertation, The Institute for Advanced
Study of Human Sexuality, San Francisco (Oct. 18,
- Objective: To determine whether data generated by a
physiological sex research study would support the hypothesis that
orgasmic capacity can be retained and/or gained after sex reassignment
surgery in the postoperative male-to-female transsexual. Design:
Controlled laboratory-based analysis of responses to masturbation to
orgasm(s). Setting: A mobile sex research laboratory setup
predominately in two central San Francisco locations. Participants: A
volunteer sample of eleven postoperative male-to-female transsexuals
as well as twenty-nine control group participants divided into five
groups: eleven nontranssexual males, nine nontranssexual females, five
preoperative male-to-female transsexuals, two intersexual people and
two female-to-male transsexuals. These totals include one participant
who joined the study first as a preoperative male-to-female
participant, and returned again later as a postoperative
male-to-female participant. Intervention: One protocol including
measurements of preorgasmic, orgasmic, and postorgasmic responses;
response time determined per individual. Dependent variables: Pressure
waveform patterns produced by involuntary contractions of the anal
musculature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Results: Of the eleven
postoperative male-to-female study group participants, eight
self-reported orgasm and three of these eight produced orgasmic
contraction episodes similar to those produced by control group
participants in this study and subjects in previous physiological
studies of orgasm. Furthermore, no statistically significant
differences were found between contraction patterns produced by study
and control groups in terms of duration of orgasmic contractions,
intraorgasmic amplitude changes, number of orgasmic contractions per
series, mean intervals between the first four contractions, mean
intervals between all contractions, or orgasmic heart rates.
Conclusions: Data from this study strongly support the hypothesis that
orgasmic capacity can be retained and/or gained after sex reassignment
surgery in the postoperative male-to-female transsexual. However,
given the limited sample sizes, projected percentages of orgasmic
capacity in the postoperative male-to-female transsexual population
are unavailable.
Lynn Conway and Rom Birnbaum at Club Eros
in San Francisco, where Rom made the first scientific physiologic
measurements of orgasm in postop TS women, in
1999. |
- The range of experiences of many postop women - - effects on sexual
orientation and the moderate unpredictability of postop sexual orientation - -
long-term effects - - some of Lynn's own experiences - - [ to be completed] -
Who are the most active,
prominent surgeons doing vaginoplasty (SRS) now?
The most prominent SRS surgeons in the U.S. today are Toby Meltzer, M. D. of Scottsdale, Arizona
and Eugene Schrang, M.D. of Neenah,
Wisconsin. These surgeons are in their prime, are performing hundreds of SRS
each year, and are achieving outstanding results in appearance, function and
sensitivity. Marci Bowers, M.D., a
surgeon who has worked closely with Dr. Biber, has recently taken over his
practice in Trinidad, Colorado and is reported to be doing excellent SRS
surgeries there (Dr. Biber is now retired). There are also other expert
surgeons performing high-quality SRS's in various other countries around the
world, most notably Yvon Ménard, M.D.
and Pierre Brassard, M.D. ( en español
) in Montreal, Canada, and Suporn Watanyusakul, M.D. ("Dr. Suporn")
in Chornburi, Thailand.
Marci Bowers, M.D.
Toby Meltzer, M.D.
Eugene Schrang, M.D.
- For information on many surgeons performing excellent vaginoplasty (SRS)
operations both here and abroad, see Andrea's
Vaginoplasty page and follow the many links there. See also the
SRS section
- of TS
Women's Support Site and The
New Sex Change Indigo Pages for information and links to SRS surgeons in
many countries. The new European
TS Information pages provide information about many excellent European
surgeons. There are also a number of surgeons in Thailand
who are now performing good quality SRS's, and the costs of surgery there are
much lower than for comparable work elsewhere in the world.
- Important note: In past years, few surgeons would operate on girls who
were HIV+. This compounded the tragedy of being TS for the small minority of
women who had been forced to live "on the streets" and had contracted this
dread disease. However, surgical techniques have improved to where SRS can now
be done without risk to expert surgical teams, although extra procedures are
required that may raise costs. For information about surgeons who accept HIV+
patients, contact Christine Beatty
( Christine herself survived life on the streets, and
went on to become a successful postop woman. She reports that the following
expert surgeons now accept otherwise healthy HIV+ patients: Toby Meltzer, M.D.: Same price as HIV- ;
Sanguan Kunaporn, M.D.: 30%
price increase for HIV+ ; Preecha Tiewtranon,
M.D.: $1000 extra from HIV+ ; Eugene
Schrang, M.D.: Unspecified extra change.
Sites containing photos of
many vaginoplasty (SRS) results from many surgeons
[VIEW WITH CAUTION! The photo sequences listed here are definitely NOT
- And here is a link to
a photo of an early surgery done by Dr. Biber in Trinidad, Colorado in
1976. Dr. Biber became justifiably famous among T-girls in the U.S. for such
results, and they've flocked to him ever since. The early surgical technique
and results are very similar to Lynn's sex reassignment surgery, which was
performed by the famous Mexican plastic surgeon J. J. Barbosa, M.D. way back
in 1968.
- Lynn had follow-up surgery for vaginal deepening and labiaplasty performed
by Dr. Schrang (in November 2000), in
order to bring her results up to modern standards. Dr. Schrang also has
extensive experience in successfully correcting SRS complications surgeries
done elsewhere. Gwendolyn Ann
Smith has created a webpage, "Transsexual's Guide to
Neenah", that provides a lot of practical information about undergoing SRS
by Dr. Schrang at Theda Clark Regional Medical Center in Neenah, WI.
Options that can reduce
costs and enable feminization and transition earlier in
- One of the greatest difficulties faced by young, intense transsexuals who
are very certain of their need to undergo complete gender correction is the
high cost of transition and the long time-period (several years) to get
everything approved. The overall costs of counselling, hormones, electrolysis
and surgeries is typically $30K to $40K in the U.S. Because of their gender
condition, many younger transsexuals are unable to obtain good enough
employment to save money fast enough to achieve a timely transition. Meantime,
they are often doomed to watch as their bodies continue to masculinize (even
if taking estrogen) which makes a successful and complete transition seem
further and further out of reach.
- However, anyone going to Thailand for SRS should make very certain that
they are going to one of the handful of reputable surgeons there who are doing
high-quality SRS's using modern surgical techniques in the best hospitals.
There has long been a tradition in Thailand of doing what superficial
"Hijra-style" SRS's which do not create a full vagina. These are inexpensive
surgeries (on the order of $1000 to $1500). Many Katheoy "working girls"
undergo these surgeries, not being able to afford the full SRS surgeries (if
someone does not need a full SRS, a Kathoey-type surgery might be an option to
consider). Bottom line is that anyone going to Thailand should carefully
research the latest
information on Thai surgeons, and avoid going to the "lowest bidder" for
such an important and life-changing surgery .
- As an even less expensive alternative, transsexuals in the U.S. can now
take advantage of fairly easy access to orchiectomy. After orchiectomy
(castration) a T-girl's body will not be further maimed by testosterone, and
the feminizing effect of female sex hormones is much more rapid and more
pronounced (especially in younger girls). This option can enable younger
T-girls to rapidly become feminized and passable, and to buy some time to save
money for SRS without feeling such desperate urgency. For more information on
this type of surgery, see the Orchiectomy page
in Annie Richards' website.
- In the past, many T-girls went to Dr. Robert Barham in Portland Oregon for
orchiectomies, who charged about $1000 for the surgery. Although Dr. Barham is
no longer doing these surgeries, his protocols are worth documenting as being
what you might expect elsewhere: Dr. Barham required that you had
transgender counseling for one year and been on hormone replacement therapy
for one year and had passed a recent HIV status test. His protocol involved
seeing you at least one day before the procedure to discuss the procedure, the
implications and the risks. The procedure was then generally done on the
following day in his office. He used bilateral spermatic cord blocks for
anesthesia. The procedure itself took approximately one hour. Following the
procedure it was best if you can remained in bed with ice packs for 12 to 24
hours. He also asked that you stay in town for 48 hours, to take care of any
problems that might arise, and also to give you a chance to begin healing
before returning home.
Completion of transsexual
body feminization by cosmetic surgeries
- Many transsexual women also undergo breast augmentation surgery, facial
feminization surgery and various cosmetic surgeries to further feminize their
bodies. Anne Lawrence's site contains photos of recent breast augmentation
surgery on transsexual women, and Lynn's FFS site
contains information on facial feminization. To give you an idea of the
wonderful results now achievable, here are some photos of breast augmentations
performed on hormonally-feminized transsexual women (these were done by a
surgeon in Thailand):
- However, it is important to note that many TS women achieve very
satisfactory breast development without augmentation, especially if they
started their transitions while in their teens. For an extensive discussion of
breast development in TS women, along with many photos of unaugmented
development, see Annie Richards Breast
Development webpage.
- The decision of whether to augment or not is very similar for a TS women
as for any other woman - a complex one with many tradeoffs of appearance vs
sensation vs risks of complications. In many cases of small development,
augmentation can bring a lot of satisfaction, but in many other cases it may
be quite unnecessary and carry unwanted risks. For an extensive discussion of
breast augmentation with many photos, see Annie Richards' Breast
Augmentation webpage.
Carla Antonelli's website
contains a page of
photos of pretty T-girls where you can see even more results of breast
augmentation surgery. Perhaps even more importantly, her page conveys images
of the wonderful results that these young women obtained from feminization
early in their lives. The ongoing moral to the story is this: If a T-girl
knows for sure that she inevitably must become a woman, she should immediately
seek medical help to stop any further masculinization and begin her
feminization as early in her life as possible - in her mid-teens if she can.
Courage and decisiveness in seeking gender correction while still young will
dramatically improve her chances for a full and complete life.
The joys and wonders of
complete gender correction
- Modern medical advances have brought us a long way from the ancient
methods used in traditional "Hijra-style" surgical treatments of
transsexualism. Modern sex hormone therapy, vaginoplasty (SRS) surgery, facial
feminization surgery and cosmetic surgeries can substantially modify an MtF
transsexual's body to properly match her innate gender, especially if
treatment is started early enough in life. It is now possible for many postop
women to feel totally gender-congruent in their transformed bodies, and to be
able to very comfortably and passionately enter into loving relationships
(either heterosexual or lesbian, as the case may be) as sensual, sexually
responsive women.
- The joys and wonders of being able to resolve the transsexual condition
and to then live a full life as a warm, loving woman in the resulting female
body are suggested by the following beautiful photographs of Jenny Hiloudaki
(Greece). Jenny started on female sex hormones at the age of 13 and
underwent vaginoplasty (SRS) at the age of 20: