Computer Concepts
Web Designing &
Fundamentals All physical parts of the computer (or everything that
we can touch) is known as hardware. All of the
components of a computer system can be summarised with the
simple equations, fundamentals help you to understand
this concept.
Wondering what
this new Software is and how it going to effect the
people?Let start looking at this.......
Operating System
OS is system software, which may be viewed
as collection of software consisting of procedures for
operating the computer & providing an environment for
execution of programs. It’s an interface between user &
This specification defines the
HyperTextMarkupLanguage (HTML),the publishing language of the World
Wide Web.
HTML part that defines the general link
and called as Dynamic
Hyper Text
Markup L
XML are initials for
EXtensible Markup L
anguage. Seems strange that
the first word is "Extensible," yet they
use the "X" to denote the word.
ASP makes
building real world Web applications dramatically
easier. ASP server controls enable an HTML-like style of
declarative programming that let you build great pages with
far less code than with Classic HTML.
E-Commerce |
Data Base
Making your business through internet.All this
cash debenture is possible through E-commerce.
Cart Shopping cart operations are just one of the ways
to buy books,
periodicals etc from
participating presses over the Internet.
On Line
TransactionOne of the most important tasks in online
transction is processing customer order information, address,
credit card number, etc. The data is sent to a credit card
authorization network which verifies that the credit card is
valid and verifies that the shipping address matches the
billing address. |
Database management.As the name suggest this part maintains
all the data.
This is Relational
Database Management i.e. format the related Data.
Networking |
Languages |

Networking with Win Nt
WinNT advanced keylogger. Features logging
all activity (including DOS sessions) in the machine and
making new .exe server files. It will send the logs via FTP or
SMTP (email address). It is completely invisible to the users
and highly customizable (including the registry key). It is
also very hard to remove, because it uses startup folder,
win.ini,system.ini and various registry keys to boot with
Publishing With front Page
Creating a
professional-looking Web site using FrontPage is easier than
ever |

The C tutorial teaches you the entire C
language. It covers the ANSI-C standard and gives a few illustrations
of the original K&R C language.
The C++ tutorial teaches you the entire C++
language. It covers the ANSI-C++ standard.
Web Publishing |
Publishing With Front
Creating a
professional-looking Web site using FrontPage is easier than
ever. This unique Editor builds complete sites in which all
pages share a consistent, easily modified design, including
navigation tools that the program builds automatically when
you add or remove
Flash Discover
the Best of all the designing
Photoshop Adobe Photoshop provide you with
all the designing tools and effect which make your site